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HRC - Chapter Membership Information

Last Update: 04 April 2018

2016 Feb 02 HRC ROCKS, Inc. Post Meeting
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Welcome to the Hampton Roads Chapter (HRC) of the ROCKS, Inc.

Section 3 of National ROCKS By-laws. The mission of the ROCKS, Inc., a tax exempt non-profit charitable organization under IRS Section 501(c)(3), is to provide mentorship, scholarship and fellowship to ROTC and Military Academy Cadets, active duty, reserve component, commissioned officers and active duty or reserve component warrant officers and Department of Defense GS12 and above civilians. The organization is also dedicated to assisting retired or former active duty commissioned or warrant officers and retired or former reserve component commissioned and warrant officers. Although not eligible for membership, Senior Non-Commissioned officers are authorized to serve as enlisted advisors.
  • Local membership dues are paid annually.
  • Chapter members must join at the National level to receive a user id and password in order to log into the website and
    to gain access to more restrictive content (content not displayed for the general public).
    ROCKS National Membership Page
  • Please visit our HRC Calendar of Events for upcoming meetings and activities (see quick link access button above).
  • Please review the HRC ROCKS, Inc By-laws (Articles IV thru VI) for additional details concerning Chapter membership. 
Current National & Hampton Roads Chapter of the ROCKS, Inc Annual Membership Dues:
Cadet $30     ($10-Local & $20-National)
O3 & Below, GS12  $63     ($30-Local & $33-National)
O4 - 05, GS13 - GS14
    ($50-Local & $58-National)   
06, GS15 & Above (Incl SES) $118     ($60-Local & $58-National)
Lifetime Membership
(National level)                       

NOTE:  When accessing via a desktop/laptop device, select the following text to access a pdf fillable copy of the HRC Membership Application . Additional instructions about membership and where to send the form and dues are printed on the application.
             - When attempting to fill in the pdf version of the application, if you encounter challenges being able to fill in and save the form, right click on the above file application name and choose the "Save target as" option to save the file to a location on your i.e., hard drive. Navigate to the saved version and fill in the applicable fields.

Mailing address:  Hampton Roads Chapter, ROCKS Inc., Attn: Membership Committee, P.O. Box 4499, Fort Eustis, VA 23604

For additional information, or to receive a copy of the HRC membership application, please contact LTC(R) John James at (HRC Membership Coordinator).

Thank you for your interest and for joining the HRC ROCKS organization. We look forward to your support and participation.

For HRC ROCKS Website assistance and/or to provide feedback and updates, please contact Toney C. Mooney at

The ROCKS, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) comprised of ROTC and Military Academy Cadets, active duty, reserve component, commissioned officers and active duty or reserve component warrant officers and Department of Defense GS12 and above civilians. The organization was formed to provide mentorship, professional development and social interaction to strengthen the officer corps. In addition to the R.C. Cartwright Scholarship Fund, the "Leadership Outreach" program provides the opportunity for teams consisting of ROCK members to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide professional career development guidance to ROTC students.