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HomeBSC FLKS Chapter Officers


Executive Board
(Note: PP = Permanent Party // S = CGSC Student // V = Veteran)

Chapter Officers                                 
President (PP)                     Mr. Eric Hoggard Vice President-Ops          VACANT
Secretary (PP)                        Mr. Byron Dobson Assist. Secretary   VACANT
Treasurer (PP)                          Dr. Charles Darden               
Assistant Treasurer VACANT
Historian                       VACANT
Chaplain VACANT
General Counsel (S) VACANT
Parliamentarian                 VACANT

Committee Chairs
Membership    Ms. Ashleigh Williams Whiteside                                                      
Mentorship      VACANT
Leadership/ROTC Outreach (V)    LTC (R) B.J. Cherilus
Scholarship                              VACANT
Community Service VACANT
Publicity VACANT
Fundraising VACANT

Advisory Board
Senior Mentor                 VACANT
National Board Advisor (V)       Mr. DaMond Davis
Chapter Advisor (PP)                COL (R) Dwayne Wagner    
Chapter Advisor  (PP)                     Dr. Charles Darden        
Chapter Rep to National Brd VACANT                

The ROCKS, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) comprised of ROTC and Military Academy Cadets, active duty, reserve component, commissioned officers and active duty or reserve component warrant officers and Department of Defense GS12 and above civilians. The organization was formed to provide mentorship, professional development and social interaction to strengthen the officer corps. In addition to the R.C. Cartwright Scholarship Fund, the "Leadership Outreach" program provides the opportunity for teams consisting of ROCK members to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide professional career development guidance to ROTC students.